Abfall/EntsorgungBreitband & TelekommunikationCyber SecurityDaten & AnalyseInternet of ThingsKünstliche IntelligenzSmart CitySmart HomeTechnologien
MatchX manufacturers superior LPWAN Hardware and Software, delivering comprehensive IoT Cloud and Reporting Solutions across diverse domains.

At MatchX, the focus is to deliver a robust End-to-End IoT network solution that facilitates data transmission over ranges of up to 35 km using LPWAN (Low Power, Wide Area Network).
At MatchX, we have combined Artificial Intelligence at the edge with LoRa to achieve energy-efficient and privacy-preserving AI for Smart City use cases. The device is called EdgeX. It opens completely new opportunities for deploying LoRaWAN. Offline learning, small dataset required, no need for cloud significantly reduced costs. The first LPWAN + AI technology that respects GDPR, enabling the technology to be used in a variety of public places.

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